Our data helps investors pick stocks which outperform the market
We distinguish meaningful perspectives from statistical noise
Our specialist service provides timely and detailed perspectives on the transactions that are most likely to indicate future share price performance
Our data helps investors pick stocks which outperform the market
We distinguish meaningful perspectives from statistical noise
Our specialist service provides timely and detailed perspectives on the transactions that are most likely to indicate future share price performance
Our data helps investors pick stocks which outperform the market
We distinguish meaningful perspectives from statistical noise
Our specialist service provides timely and detailed perspectives on the transactions that are most likely to indicate future share price performance

Smart Insider

Although the trading activity of company directors (insiders) can offer valuable clues related to future share performance, investors are unable to monitor all the relevant trades. Identifying ‘Smart Insiders’ through specialist desktops or quantitative feeds enables our clients to generate alpha.

Our data analytics

Insider Transactions Data
Although the trading activity of company directors (insiders) can offer valuable clues related to future share performance, investors are unable to monitor all the relevant trades. Identifying ‘Smart Insiders’ through specialist desktops or quantitative feeds enables our clients to generate alpha with timely delivery of data, suited to the needs and preferences of our clients.
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Share Buybacks Data
Our Company buyback data tracks and analyses the amount and value of shares bought back by listed companies. Covering every market where share repurchases are reported, our global offering also includes ‘Buyback Intentions,’ which are the announcements made before buybacks are executed. Our reports and alerts cut through the statistical noise in order to provide our clients with concise, timely corporate share repurchases data tailored to their stock universe.
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Director Insights
Smart Insider's "Director Insights" is designed for professionals who need quick access to data that can shape their investment decisions. Our dataset reflects changes in boardrooms as they occur, allowing clients to stay ahead of the competition. With this in mind, Smart Insider gives its customers valuable insights into director salaries and holdings that help create a successful portfolio.
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US Politicians Data
Get access to our free database of US Politician's trading data. Transparency guidelines in the US require Congressmen and Senators to publish details of their trades in company shares globally. Though less stringent than regulations for company insiders the politicians’ stock trading data shows which politicians have a vested interest in certain stocks and provides insight into where positions have increased or reduced.
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Delivery Options

Our quant offering includes both buyback transactions and buyback intentions.
Whether you are a fund manager, investor, company executive, or analyst, our delivery can be customized to the way you look at data and can integrate with your internal processes and workflow. We provide full customization of reports delivered by desktop, through feeds, or alerts. Our quant clients can receive data in a variety of formats via SFTP, API, Snowflake or AWS S3 and include point-in-time processes.

Delivery Options

Our quant offering includes both buyback transactions and buyback intentions.
Whether you are a fund manager, investor, company executive, or analyst, our delivery can be customized to the way you look at data and can integrate with your internal processes and workflow. We provide full customization of reports delivered by desktop, through feeds, or alerts. Our quant clients can receive data in a variety of formats via SFTP, API, Snowflake or AWS S3 and include point-in-time processes.

Director Insights

Like the rest of our content, we deliver data to suit the needs of our clients. This may include reports sent to the desktop at defined intervals, to a nightly feed of updates via FTP or an API.

Investor Relations or Human Resource departments can receive a concise list of boardroom personnel changes across a finite list of peer companies.

Our Clientele


Head of Research
Quantitative Analyst
Quantitative Research Analyst
Quantitative Strategist
Senior Analyst


Hedge Funds
Family Offices
Institutional Portfolio Managers
Institutional Investors
Assets Managers

Latest Insights

Smart Insider Data

Smart Insider provides share trade analytics & advanced data inputs for multi factor stock selection models, including actionable insights for institutional investors

Insider Data