$TCBI.US ranked positive on July 27th, 2022

Smart Insider $TCBI.US ranked positive on July 27th, 2022

$TCBI.US ranked positive on July 27th, 2022

Texas Capital Bancshares Inc – (TCBI, +1, July 27th)

We ranked this stock +1 in October 2021 based on a cluster of buyers, including Julie Anderson (CFO since 2017), Robert Stallings (Director since 2001), David Huntley (Director since 2018) and Larry Helm (Chair, joined 2006), all around $60 per share. The stock has moved lower but insider buying has continued.

Since May, Stallings has purchased an additional $4 million worth of stock at an average price of $54, increasing his holdings by 55%. Helm purchased another $300,000 worth of stock in May at $52.

In June, Elysia Ragusa (Director since 2010) joined the pattern, purchasing $112,000 worth of stock at $55.91, her first open market purchase in the common shares.

With the additional buying, we are renewing our +1 ranking.

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