$WDFC – WD 40 Co ranked negative on July 22th 2021

We provide analysis and data on insider trading, stocks transactions, US Politicians & directors' buying, selling activities on US, Europe, Asian and other stock markets

$WDFC – WD 40 Co ranked negative on July 22th 2021

Garry Ridge (Chair and CEO since 2019, joined 1997) sold $11.9 million of stock on the 21st July at $248.46, reducing his holding by 42% (which includes outstanding RSUs).

Whilst he has regularly sold stock post option exercise, this is his first clean sale since 2013 and by far his biggest sale. Whilst the shares have performed strongly LT, the sale comes after reasonable share price weakness with the shares down 25% from their peak.

There has been no announcement of his departure, he is 65, although this is one potential explanation for his sale. We are ranking the stock -1.

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